Tomáš Pospíšek's Notizblock
Google wolf and the little red internet user
"But Google! What big ears you have," said the little red internet user.
"The better to hear when the crooks and spies would want to grab your private data" replied Google.
"But Google! What big eyes you have," said the little red internet user.
"The better to see when the crooks and spies would want to profile you and pull your strings" replied Google.
"But Google! What big teeth you have," said the little red internet user his voice quivering slightly.
"The better to devour all your data," roared Google with a laugh and continued pulling all the user's smartphone interactions, location and movement data, contacts, emails, pictures, documents, visited websites, searches, health data, music listened to, movies watched ...
(original from:
Tomáš Pospíšek, 2022-01-19